Crossroads Kickoff


Saturday, February 11, 2023, 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Join us at the Shea Theater Arts Center in Turners Falls to jump start your Crossroads experience with storytelling, a short local film, and live music.

Join us at the Shea Theater Arts Center in Turners Falls to jump start your Crossroads experience with storytelling, a short local film, and live music. Hear an introduction to the Crossroads exhibit and related programming with Leo Hwang, UMASS Amherst Assistant Academic Dean. Enjoy the documentary short film, “A Sweet Tradition,” by filmmaker Steve Alves, that highlights the local family tradition of making maple syrup. New England Public Media presents storytellers featuring local points of view on contemporary Franklin County life, the most rural mainland in Massachusetts. Refreshments and cash bar starting at 6:00 p.m. Program at 7 p.m. Enjoy musical interludes throughout the evening.

Crossroads: Change in Rural America has been made possible in Turners Falls, MA at the Great Falls Discovery Center by Mass Humanities. The exhibition is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and State Humanities Councils nationwide. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.
Crossroads will be on display in the Great Hall in collaboration with the Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the town of Montague’s RiverCulture, the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Montague Public Libraries, and New England Public Media.