Community Forum - In Person

community forum

Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Love the Montague Libraries? Join us for a community forum on the future of the Carnegie Library. Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 6PM-7PM via Zoom or Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 6PM-8PM at the Discovery Center’s Great Hall.

Register for the Zoom forum here:

The Montague Public Libraries are applying for state funding to expand the Carnegie Library or build a new library in downtown Turners Falls.

At this forum we will:

-Review the current conditions of the Carnegie Library.

-Go over the state construction program timeline and application process.

-Highlight the community feedback we have gathered so far

-Answer questions and listen to your input.

The in-person event (12/13) will be followed by a reception where participants can chat with the libraries’ trustees and library director. Refreshments will be served.