Story Time Online

Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 10:00 am until 10:30 am
Visit the Youth Page on this website for stories, songs and a craft with Children's Programs Assistant Meghan Doyle. Videos will be posted there and on Facebook by 7:00am every Wednesday. Call 413-863-3214 to schedule a time to pick up craft materials at Carnegie Library's Curbside Pick-Up, up to a week before the next Story Time.
Visit the Youth page on this website for stories, songs and a craft with Children's Programs Assistant Meghan Doyle. Videos will be posted there and on Facebook by 7:00am the earliest and by 10:00am the latest every Wednesday. Call 413-863-3214 to schedule a time to pick up craft materials at Carnegie Library's Curbside Pick-Up, up to a week before the next Story Time. Click here for the Youth Page