Montague Public Libraries Internet User Policy
Failure to use the Internet stations responsibly may result in revocation of Internet privileges.
Food and drinks are not allowed near the computers.
Parents are expected to monitor their children’s use of the Internet.
Internet communications are not private, nor are they confidential.
Computer screens are in full view of library staff and other patrons.
The Library cannot be held responsible for any confidential or financial information patrons may send over the Internet.
Display of obscene material by persons of any age is not acceptable behavior at the Library.
Examples of inappropriate uses of the Internet stations include but are not limited
to the following:
- Using the Internet for illegal purposes, for example, the display of child pornography.
- Using the Internet in violation of the Massachusetts General law 272 Section 31, the Harmful to Minors statute.
- Transmission of threatening, harassing, defamatory or obscene materials. Obscene materials, as determined by the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General, are illegal.
Please keep conversations to a minimum and speak in low tones. Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate. If conversations cannot be concluded
quickly, please move to the library entryway to avoid disrupting others.
Any Internet crime that can be documented will be reported to Montague Police Department.